Flue Gas Wet Scrubbing, Gas Scrubbing, General Purpose, Greases and Fats, Mining, Circulating Water, Pulp and Paper, River Flows, Slurries, Waste Stock, Mixed Liquor
Slurry Processing, Slurry Transfer, Paper Stock, Distillation, General Industries, Digester
“Rugged” describes the Valtek ShearStream™ Ball Valve. Designed to overcome the problems of harsh, particle entrained processes, ShearStream™ also provides accurate, reliable control in a broad range of applications, including chemical, power and petroleum.
ShearStream™ addresses and solves many long-standing challenges faced by traditional ball valves, such as:
- Piping forces that unevenly load the seal
- Low rangeability due to limited orifice characterization
- Unsatisfactory shutoff capabilities
ShearStream™ achieves Class IV shutoff with a metal seal and Class VI with a soft seal. A spring-loaded heavy duty seat is available for high pressure applications in metal and soft seat configurations. In addition to the standard wafer body design, ShearStream™ is available with separable or integral flanges. ShearStream™ is also available in sizes 1″ through 12″ and 16″, ANSI Classes 150, 300 and 600, and in stainless steel, carbon steel and other alloys.